Are you contemplating abortion?
Are you suffering from a previous abortion?
You are not alone.
There are resources out there to help you and your baby.
Call National Life Center toll free hotline: 800-848-LOVE

There's a life inside you.
Dear Mommy,
I really hope I can meet you someday,
When I’m strong Enough on my own,
I’d like to see all the things you can see,
Even though I’m still hardly grown.
I’m not much bigger than a peanut I guess,
But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel,
I just can’t believe that doctor who said,
“Don’t worry, it’s not even real!”
Why, I’ve already got ten fingers and toes,
What could he be thinking of?
And my heart is beating steady and strong,
And bursting with so much love!
I promise I won’t be much trouble,
Or keep you up late at night,
But you’re the one who has to decide,
So, Mommy, please do what’s right!,
There’s so many people who want what you have,
Whose hearts and lives I could fill,
So if you don’t want me, I’ll understand,
But I know that somebody will.
Give me a chance to run and to play,
A chance to learn and to grow,
Just like your Mommy once gave you,
When I guess, she could have said “no”.
Just a chance to make someone happy,
Is all that I ask you to give,
And I promise to make you proud someday,
Just give me the chance to live!
Debra Raphael